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Empowering Academic Excellence for Instructors and Learners

From Global Initiatives to Triton Center One Stop, and from Triton Transfer Hub to the Teaching + Learning Commons, the Student Success Building will bring together resources that ensure success in learning and life.

Global Initiatives

Bringing together a wide variety of programs under Global Initiatives within the Student Success Building will optimize connections between our campus community and our international neighbors, anchoring our binational region and facilitating rewarding experiences that empower communities everywhere to thrive.

Teaching + Learning Commons

The new home for the Teaching + Learning Commons within the Student Success Building will house academic resources and administrative offices to help meet our students and faculty where they are and provide them with the tools they need to transform our world.

Triton Transfer Hub

Providing a dedicated space for Triton Transfer Hub will help build a positive college experience for all our Triton transfers, with social, academic and collaborative resources that ensures transfer students are getting optimal campuswide support.

Triton Center One Stop

Triton One Stop will provide an accessible, semicircular space for up to six peer liaisons to help students address specific needs and navigate the programs and services housed within the Student Success Building.

Recognition and Giving Opportunities

As student identities intersect, the proximity of services and purpose-built space will provide optimal benefit to a large share of our campus community. Opportunities abound within the Student Success Building to honor and recognize our philanthropic partners who strengthen resources in support of Tritons, visiting scholars and their families.

For more information about naming opportunities within Triton Alumni and Welcome Center, please contact Cassondra DuBois ’14 at

Student Success Building

$40 million
Central hub for ensuring the success of diverse learners

Global Initiatives Tower

$10 million
Dynamic space for optimizing connections

Teaching + Learning Commons Tower

$10 million
Robust environment for students’ and instructors’ growth

Plaza View Conference Room

$3 million
Place for connection overlooking Triton Center Plaza

Triton Transfer Hub

$1 million

Unique space tailored to the needs of transfer students

Global Initiatives Multipurpose Room

$1 million
Connection space for meetings, conferences, lectures and colloquia

Main Lobby and Student Concierge

Welcoming entrance to a host of academic services and resources located in the Triton Center One Stop

Peer Study Areas, Conference Rooms, Community Hub

Communal spaces for connecting, collaborating and learning

Group Learning Rooms, Student and Family Lounges

Open places for collaborative conversation and socializing with peers

Support Limitless Living and Learning

Explore Global Initiatives

Learn how connections with countries around the world can empower our students to help communities everywhere thrive.


Explore the Teaching + Learning Commons

See how access to the ingredients for success can propel limitless impact for our students, scholars and instructors.


Explore the Triton Transfer Hub

Discover how we are helping Triton Transfers transition into campus life and build a community of support.


Recognition Opportunities

There are numerous opportunities to recognize gifts with named spaces within the Student Success Building that will honor your efforts to ensure success for this generation of Tritons and all those yet to come.


Make a Gift Today

Join our efforts to ensure every Triton has access to the resources and support they need to thrive within Triton Center.